3 Cessna 172s | 5 Cessna 152s | 5 Piper Cherokee Warriors | 2 Mooney M20J’s |
Aircraft Reimbursement Rates
Rates subject to change, please contact the club to verify current rates.
Instruction Rates
Members may independently engage an instructor from a list of FAA-certified instructors who have been approved by the Club Chief Flight Instructor to provide instruction to Club members who use Club aircraft. Club-approved instructors have agreed to the following rates for their professional services to Club members.
Flight Instruction – $50.00
* Note: The Club can arrange access to a Twin Comanche for multi-engine training for members who wish to advance beyond the commercial and instrument ratings.
Other Rates
BATD Flight Simulator – $15.00 per hour.
The simulator is FAA compliant and may be utilized for logging instrument training hours.
Avionics Simulator – $15.00 per hour.
This simulator is used for familiarization training for the avionics used in Club aircraft. It is not used for logging instrument training hours as it is not FAA certified.